Healthy Inspections
At Healthy Homes Inspection Services, LLC, it is our goal to respect and protect your family and ours!
Following, are some updates to our policies regarding our participation in inspections
as it relates to illness and sickness. Thanks for taking time to review. Simply put, we ask that…
If you're sick, let us know.
Inspections should not take place in homes where the occupants have recently been ill, showing signs of illness, and/or have been around others known to be ill. Healthy Homes will reach out via email and/or other methods of communication to the agent(s), client(s) and/or homeowner(s) to inquire as to the presence of any such condition. It is the responsibility of a homeowner, client, and/or real estate agent to inform Healthy Homes, within a timely manner, as to any such conditions known to be present at the subject property, in order that additional precautions can be arranged and/or the inspection re-scheduled. It is the responsibility of the agent and/or homeowners to negotiate any subsequent contract negotiations, as needed. If an inspector arrives on site and finds conditions present that suggest such conditions within the subject property, the inspector may at his/her discretion, refuse to enter or inspect the property. It is the responsibility of the agent, client, and/or homeowner to re-schedule an inspection whereas the above conditions were found and/or an inspection was cancelled.
If we’re sick, we’ll let you know.
Inspectors should not enter and/or inspect an occupied home when an inspector has been recently ill, showing signs of illness, and/or have been around others known to be ill. Healthy Homes will reach out via email and/or other methods of communication to the agent(s), client(s) and/or homeowner(s) to inform appropriate parties as to any such condition. Healthy Homes will do everything within reason to help to reschedule and complete an inspection in such an event. Healthy Homes will reach out to appropriate parties, within a timely manner, in order that other arrangements can be made and/or the inspection re-scheduled. It is the responsibility of the agent and/or homeowners to negotiate any subsequent contract negotiations, as needed.
If you’re sick, please don’t attend the inspection.
Clients should not attend an inspection whereas they have been recently ill, showing signs of illness, and/or have been around others known to be ill. The inspection process and home inspection report is designed to be thorough and informative. Given the amount of information that a home inspection and report delivers, it is our utmost concern that a client understands everything presented. An inspector will make him/herself available to answer any questions and perform report reviews in a timely manner. This may take the form of a phone call, email communication, text, and/or online meeting, such as zoom. Healthy Homes office will follow-up to ensure report delivery and solicit any questions. Our clients should feel free to call or email with any thoughts, questions, and/or concerns.