We offer 200% Money Back guarantees and complementary memberships.


We feel it is our obligation to help homeowners understand how to have the best experience in their home from day one, long into the future. 

That’s why we include industry firsts in Home Management Technologies and provide our building consultation services, FREE for life. 

If you have a home question, the answer is as quick as a ‘click’, email, or phone call away!

The Home Wizard


available for 'in-home' consultation

Do you have a specific consultation or inspection need that may be a bit more ‘in- depth’ and require our inspector to visit your home?  We can customize our service to fit your needs.

200% Money Back Guarantee

After the inspection, if you’re not completely satisfied and feel we did not provided a detailed inspection and great customer service, just let the inspector know. We’ll not only refund the inspection fee, we’ll pay for another inspector to re-inspect the home!*

*See Terms and Conditions below.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your satisfaction is our #1 goal. Not only do we strive for it, we guarantee it!

What To Expect

Not sure what to expect at your home inspection? Learn more here.

Save $25 Now!

Schedule Online to immediately save $25 dollars on your inspection.

Terms & Conditions